Employee solutions

Management & IT

Build an innovative IT department and drive successful digital transformation throughout your organization.

Management & IT
user journeys

Gain visibility into your tech stack.

Track completion rates of business processes to understand and improve user behavior across applications.

customer engagement

Drive measurable change & software ROI.

Propel successful digital transformation and ensure ROI on software licenses across your organization.

IT support

Build an agile, resilient workforce.

Accelerate time to competency on all enterprise software and create personalized user experiences.

How it works

Future-proof your organization.

Make your organization resilient to change and drive innovation, from IT to all departments, with WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform.

The Challenge

Master digital transformation

IT leaders agree that digital transformation is their number one priority, but lack the infrastructure to see it through. To ensure digital change is implemented effectively, they need the tools to ensure adoption and enable visibility into their tech stack.

Software implementation Graph

Sprinklr transformed the user experience for both customers and employees, reducing support burden and increasing satisfaction


Reduction in employee support tickets


Increase in new feature adoption


More time spent in-app

WalkMe had a huge impact on Sprinklr in a short period of time … With WalkMe, employee support tickets reduced by up to 85% and the customer time in the Sprinklr platform increased by 30% in the last year.

Asha Aravindakshan

VP of Customer Delight and Operations
employee experience
The Solution

Define IT success with digital adoption

WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform grants CIOs the visibility to measure usage, and ultimately ROI, of their tech investments while providing automation and contextualized guidance to ensure rapid adoption of features across their tech stack.

Discover more

The CIO Impact: The benefits of building a digital first business.

The greater the digital experience you can offer, the more likely you are to succeed.

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7 CIO Obstacles to Address in 2021

CIOs have always faced challenges, but today’s IT leaders face more difficult obstacles from a variety of directions.

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What is transformational leadership?

Transformational leaders encourage, inspire, and motivate their followers. These pioneers help their employees innovate...

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